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The Training

Mental illness is not something we are used to talking about. And although 1 in 4 American adults has a mental illness, we have been taught to feel ashamed and avoid the subject. 


At the Rethink: Psychiatric Illness Training, 30 students and community members break away from societal stigma to learn the basics about mental illness, become aware of the statistics and prevalence of mental illnesses in our state and on our campus, debunk myths, learn what we can do to help ourselves or a friend in need, familiarize ourselves with the resources available on campus, and understand the specific actions we can take to act as advocates. 

Throughout dynamic activities which include role playing, a trivia game, crossing lines, and a talk where a UNC student shares his or her personal experience with mental illness, participants become empowered and learn how they can do their part to empower others.

The Pilot Program

The Pilot Program

The first ever Rethink training took place on March 17 2012. It was sponsored by the UNC Johnston Center for Undergraduate Excellence.

Taking the Pledge

Taking the Pledge

At the end of each training, participants are encouraged to pledge how they will fight stigma in their lives. "To be supportive of everyone in my life and even of those I have yet to meet! I will strive to always be inclusive."

Special Presentations Available

Special Presentations Available

We make special 1-hour workshops and presentations for student organizations, events, and classes. In the past, we have worked with Catalyst Conference, ROTC, Scholars Latino Initiative, Psychology professors, and Carolina Kickoff.

Keeping it Intimate

Keeping it Intimate

All our trainings are capped at 30 participants to ensure all participants have the opportunity to share and engage with each other.

Real Talk

Real Talk

Training participants are encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences in a safe space.

Small Groups

Small Groups

All of our trainings feature small group discussion portions.

Up and Moving

Up and Moving

Our trainings are NOT lectures. They're interactive workshops where you will be up and moving.

Winner of the 2012 Diversity Award for Student Organization

from the UNC-Chapel Hill Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs


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© Rethink: Psychiatric Illness is a committee of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill's Campus Y.  All of the content on this website belongs to Rethink. 

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